Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Learning Through Ducky

            A wave of heat flushed my face as I quickly put the chicken in the oven in order to reach my vibrating phone before it fell off the counter. Tired from the long day at school and not in the mood to text anybody, I shoved my phone in my pocket without looking at it and continued making dinner. Moments later my phone came to life in my pocket again and I rolled my eyes wondering what on earth could be so important that couldn’t wait five minutes. Almost irritated I pulled out my phone to find out the text was from Lori, my Bible Study leader. Puzzled I clicked open the text and my heart sank as I read the words: “Hannah’s mom is being rushed to Willamette Falls Hospital. Unsure of what exactly is wrong yet but she is unconscious and not breathing on her own. Please be praying!” Closing my phone I said a silent prayer and continued making dinner having no idea of what was to come.
            Mom got home about the time I was dishing up dinner. I informed her of the situation with Hannah’s mom, Sharon (most called her “Mama Duck” or Ducky” because of her last name being Duckworth), as we sat down to eat dinner. It wasn’t until after dinner that things were worse than originally thought. It was confirmed that Sharon had a stroke and still remained unconscious, unable to breathe on her own. If she were to survive, there would be major brain damage. If she were to survive-Those words hit me hard and I couldn’t hold back the tears. How could this be? She was healthy and fine when I was with her only days before. My heart leaped out to Hannah, her brother Ian and her dad John. I couldn’t imagine what they were going through. At that moment all I could do was pray and give it all to the Lord.
            The next morning at school I received a call from my mom with more news. She had just got done talking to my youth pastor, Kyle, who informed her that Sharon was brain dead and that the family had decided they would be taking her off life support that afternoon. My mom told me she would be there soon to pick me up and I fought back tears as we hung up the phone. I just sat in the office in shock and prayer. All I could think was that Hannah, my close friend, was losing her mom. I can’t even imagine being in her shoes. My heart breaks for her and her brother having to live the rest of their lives without their mom and for her dad, John, losing his spouse and having to raise his kids from then on alone. It’s a huge loss.
            Sunday morning at church my youth pastor, Kyle, kept us all in the youth room together rather than having us break up into out small groups like normal so he could talk to us about losing Sharon and about Heaven. It was a really emotional time and I think in someway we all bonded together through the hurt. The thing that wowed me more than anything though was that Hannah, the one that was hurting more than anybody, was making sure that I was okay. I was, and still am in awe of her strength.
            The next afternoon at Sharon’s memorial service we celebrated her life. Sharing memories and worshiping was exactly the way she would have wanted it. Through out the last week many people’s lives have been flipped upside down and it is so easy to look at this and think, how could God do this? But its times like this where I see God working in amazing and powerful ways. At just the right time that week God brought a song to my ear to open my eyes and show me that He is right by my side.
            “And it all feels upside down. ‘Cause my whole world is caving in, but I feel you now more then I did then. How could I come to the end of me and somehow still have all I need. God I want to know you more, maybe this is how it starts. I find You when I fall apart.”
            I feel like God is telling me that He has some pretty major plans up ahead and even though it doesn’t seem like it now; some good will come of this. I can already see it working in my youth group. We are bonding over this loss and are growing closer to Christ. Through Sharon we saw how God wants us to love. Now every time I see a friend in need my thoughts immediately go to her because I know she would have loved them and taken care of them. Thinking of Sharon reminds me to live everyday for Christ, to live for Him like there’s no tomorrow and until then- I know Ducky is up there looking out for me. 

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